Saturday, April 29, 2006

My real parents!

Sunday, April 16, 2006


My Godmother

Auntie Tata and Uncle Davy.

My cuzzints

Me with Daniel, Amie and Rebecca.
Missing from picture is the Cavan bump, the Welsh bump and the Turkish bump.

Check mates . .

Pictured L-R is Mr. E.J. McEntee, Mr. K.E. McEntee and Mr. E.R. McEntee !
(Patsy Boyles had a special offer on Check Shirts).

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Four Generations . .

Me with Mammy, Granny and Great Granny.

The Godfather

I make Cormac an offer he can't refuse . . .

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Boys in Blue

Mmmmm ..... tickles

Me with Nanny and Grandad Lewis

Me with Nanny and Grandad McEntee

My first outing.

I love my Daddy!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

So that's what you look like . .

Hello Mammy!
My, don't you look great for someone who's just given birth!
Luv E

What the hell?

You expect me to fit those into my mouth?!